Forums usually have a different layout as compared to regular websites. Forum visitors are also likely to be repeat visitors, which could have developed ad-blindness; the predictable nature of the ads makes the visitors (maybe unconsciously) ignore the ads.

The tips below will complement the AdSense unit placement strategy to make the ads more noticeable by repeat visitors.


Steps to choose the best position for AdSense in forum:

  1. Above or below first post.

    Forum regulars are so used to the site that their eyes and attention go straight to the first post. It would make placing your ad unit around the first post to be quite effective.

  2. Immediately after last post.

    With ads relevant to the site's content served via the AdSense program, an ad unit placed immediately after the last post will answer the visitor's “what to do next” question.

    Placing after the footer would not be a good idea as visitors who go to the next thread will not see the ad.

  3. Between posts.

    Placing a leaderboard ad unit between thread posts is quite effective for forums as well.