How to enable Vim Python autocomplete
Beginning version 7 of vim, it has this nice auto-completion feature. It is by default however limited to words that has already been in the current workspace. To use it, simply press [ctrl] + n or [ctrl] + p key while in edit mode. For example:
However, we can *teach* vim to autocomplete much other stuff by using so-called Dictionaries. We can have auto-completion for Python, Ruby, PHP, Bash, and any other programming languages code with this idea.
For example, let’s try to install a Python dictionary, by downloading it from here:
The next thing to do is to extract the downloaded file to the appropriate folder:
$ mkdir ~/.vim $ tar xf pydiction-0.5.tar.gz -C ~/.vim
and add these lines to your ~/.vimrc (be sure to replace “/home/user” with your own home directory)
if has("autocmd") autocmd FileType python set complete+=k/home/user/.vim/pydiction-0.5/pydiction isk+=.,( endif " has("autocmd"
and let’s see the result:
There are many other scripts available on Vim’s script page worth trying as well.