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How to display more relevant ads in Google AdSense

By  •  November 28, 2023

Google AdSense works by displaying ads relevant to a page. To get relevant ads, Google AdSense crawler crawls your site and extract keywords from the pages it visit. When a visitor visits a page on your site, Google will serve ads based on the extracted keywords that Google AdWords advertisers bid on.

With that in mind, it’s important for Google AdSense crawler to get the right keyword from your page, as if it doesn’t, it will either display irrelevant ads or worst, PSAs or Public Service Avertisements. Irrelevant ads gets less click from your site’s visitors, and PSAs don’t pay at all.

Keyword targeting for Google AdSense in a sense is similar to keyword targeting in SEO or Search Engine optimization, with some unique targeting features of its own.

How to block competitive and irrelevant ads in Google AdSense

By  •  November 28, 2023

While Google has come up with great algorithm to serve relevant ads to your site, it’s not always foolproof. There are also times where you want to block specific ads from appearing on your site for being competitive with your site’s purpose.

To do this, go to Allow & block ads → Blocking options → Advertisers URLs from your Google AdSense dashboard. On that page, click on the Block new URLs button.

You will then come to the Block new URLs window. Make sure you select the AdSense product id that you want to block the ads on.

You can now add the URL of the ads that you want to block from appearing in your AdSense ad unit, one per line. You’ll also need to check on the reason on why do you want to block the ads.

Once you’re done, click on the Block sites button and the site you have just blocked will appear in the blocked ads list.
