
Search Results for: add-new-user

How to add new user in Linux

By  •  May 28, 2023

Linux administrators have few options when it comes to adding a new user to the system, from filling up forms in distribution / desktop environment specific nice GUIs, to running through the command line with options and switches. For the geeky administratorss, there are always configuration files that can manually be edited just for this purpose.

The 2 most common programs used to add a user are, adduser and useradd. They are both quite similar (heck, they do the same thing anyway, which is to add user of course), but are a bit different in their interactivity level.

How to add new users in Ubuntu

By  •  May 28, 2023
  1. Open Settings .
  2. Click on Details from the menu at the bottom left .
  3. Click Users.
  4. Click Unlock at the top right of the screen.
  5. Enter your password to authenticate to the system.

    Your account must have admin privilege for this to work

  6. Click on the Add User button at the top right that has just appeared.
  7. Fill in the details of the user to be created. Choose whether you want the user to be normal user or administrator.
  8. Select Set a password now, enter a complex-enough password till the Add button ad the top right is enabled / turned green and click on the Add button.
  9. Your new user should now be added and listed among the other users in the system.

How to add new user in Ubuntu

By  •  December 2, 2021

User in Ubuntu and other Linux distributions can be created from graphical and command-line tools.

Related: How to add new user in Linux

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How to add new user in Kubuntu (KDE)

By  •  December 2, 2021

Kubuntu provides a graphical user interface to add new users to the system. It is provided by the User Manager module from KDE, so the method will be the …
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How to add new users in Kubuntu / KDE

By  •  May 28, 2018

You can add new users in Kubuntu via graphical user interface from within the System Settings. This is basically the same for other KDE-based Linux distributions such as openSUSE as Kubuntu itself is based on KDE.

Follow these steps to add new users in Kubuntu and KDE in general;

  1. Open System Settings by going to ComputerApplications in the start menu.
  2. Click on Account Details in the Personalization section.
  3. Click on User Manager on the left navigation tab.
  4. Click on New User.
  5. Fill in details such as the username and Real Name.
  6. A window will popup upon clicking the Password field.
  7. Enter a complex-enough password till This password is good text appears and click Ok.
  8. Tick on the Administrator checkbox if you want to allow sudo or administrator access for the user and on the Automatic Login checkbox if you want the system to automatically login to this user upon boot-up and click Apply.
  9. Enter your password to authenticate to the system.

    This require your user to have administrator privilege in the system.

  10. Your new user creation is now complete.