Color plays a significant role in affecting your AdSense performance. Optimizing the color of your AdSense ad units could be the easiest thing to do to increase the ads' CTR and, consequently, your revenue.

Steps to choose the best color for Google Adsense:

  1. Blend.

    It is the most used and probably the most successful strategy for choosing the AdSense ad unit color. The AdSense unit uses the same color scheme as your site, and it should complement your site's design.

    If your site has a white background with grey text and blue links, the way to do it is to set your ad unit's border and background color of your ad unit to white, text to grey, and link to blue.

    Blending your AdSense unit would make it look like part of your site's content and help with the ad blindness issue.

  2. Complement.

    The complement strategy uses the colors already used in your site, but your ad's border and the background color are not the same as the background of where your ad is placed.

  3. Contrast.

    This strategy is to use colors that stand out to maximize the visibility of your ad units. This strategy is best if your site has a dark background.

  4. Blue is for link.

    In the early days of the web, links are almost all identical; they're are blue in color. Time passed, but many people have it etched to their heads that blue is the color for links.

    With this in mind, using blue for the link color generally work well because your visitors know that the ad unit is a link and will click on it if it's relevant to your site and they're interested in it.

  5. Rotate colors.

    The regular visitors will generate ad-blindness to your ads over time, as they're used to see your ad be at the same place, with the same color. It is then a good idea to use somewhat random colors or actually rotate the colors used for your ads.

  6. Don't use offensive colors.

    Contrary to what most think, using offensive colors doesn't always result in higher click-through rates. It might indeed catch visitor's attention, but visitors are not fond of clicking on such ads.