AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) is a Python-based suite of tools available as a pip package. You can choose to install AWS CLI using pip if you already have Python and pip installed, but it'll not be feasible if you haven't and just want to use the AWS CLI.

AWS provides an installer package that will install AWS CLI and the required dependencies. You can download the installer from the AWS website and execute the file to install it.

Steps to install AWS Command Line Interface tools on Windows:

  1. Download AWS Command Line Interface installer file from AWS website using a web browser.

  2. Double-click on the downloaded installer file to start the installation process.
  3. Click Next on the welcome panel of the installer.
  4. Click on the checkbox to accept the terms in the License Agreement.
  5. Click on Next to continue to the next installer panel.
  6. Click on the Next buttton to accept the default settings and continue on the Custom Setup panel.
  7. Click on the Install button to begin installation.
  8. Click Yes on the User Account Control to allow the installer to proceed.
  9. Wait for installation to finish.
  10. Click Finish to exit the installer.
  11. Configure AWS CLI before you can start using it.